

Federal Direct 补贴 和 Unsubsidized Loans

联邦直接补贴贷款和无补贴贷款是由美国政府提供给学生的低息贷款.S. Department of Education (ED). 资格, 学生必须完成联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)。, meet the federal student aid eligibility requirements, 和 enroll at least half-time in a degree-seeking program. Borrowers go into repayment six months after they graduate, 离开学校, or drop below half-time enrollment. 直接补贴贷款只提供给有经济需要的本科生. 美国.S. 教育部在学生在校至少一半时间内支付直接补贴贷款的利息, for the first six months after the student 离开学校, 和 during periods of deferment. 借款人有责任在所有期间支付直接无补贴贷款的利息. In addition to interest, ED charges a 1.057%的联邦直接补贴贷款和无补贴贷款的贷款发起费用. The fee is proportionately deducted from each loan disbursement.

  •   Current Interest 率s

    2024-2025 Interest 率s

    本科 Borrowers 研究生 or 专业 Borrowers
    Direct 补贴 和 Unsubsidized Loans
    Direct Unsubsidized Loans
    Interest rates are for Direct 补贴 和 Unsubsidized Loans
    first disbursed on or after July 1, 2024, 和 before July 1, 2025.


    2023-2024 Interest 率s

    本科 Borrowers 研究生 or 专业 Borrowers
    Direct 补贴 和 Unsubsidized Loans
    Direct Unsubsidized Loans
    Interest rates are for Direct 补贴 和 Unsubsidized Loans
    first disbursed on or after July 1, 2023, 和 before July 1, 2024.


  •   借款上限

    有补贴贷款和无补贴贷款有年度限额和总限额. 限制根据学生的年级水平、课程和依赖状态而有所不同. Students cannot borrow over their cost of attendance. All undergraduate annual loan limits are subject to pro-ration. 父母不符合直接父母加贷款资格的受抚养学生可能有资格获得额外的直接无补贴贷款资金.

    •   Annual 借款上限
      Annual Loan Limits
      年级水平 依赖学生 Independent Students
      大一新生 $5,500 $9,500
      二年级学生 $6,500 $10,500
      初级、高级 $7,500 $12,500
      研究生 or 专业 $20,500 (unsubsidized only)
      Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine,
      Doctor of Dentistry,
      Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
      $40,500 (unsubsidized only)
    •   总限制
      Aggregate Loan Limits
      补贴 总计
      Dependent 本科 $23,000 $31,000
      Independent 本科 $23,000 $57,500
      研究生 or 专业 $65,5001 $138,5002
      Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine,
      Doctor of Dentistry,
      Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
      $65,5001 $224,000 2
      (while enrolled in a qualifying
      health profession program)

      17月1日或之后,研究生和专业学生的贷款补贴资格被取消, 2012. 65美元的,500美元的补贴总限额包括7月1日前收到的本科生、研究生和专业学生的补贴贷款, 2012.


LMU的经济援助报价将包括学生可以在联邦直接补贴贷款和无补贴贷款中借入的最高金额. 学生们被鼓励做一个预算和借贷保守. 有意借阅的学生必须透过“自助服务”菜单,选择“Webadvisor for Students" 然后 “助学金” in their MyLMU account. In addition, students are required to complete a Master Promissory Note (MPN)loan entrance counseling. 有关补贴和非补贴贷款的更多信息,包括还款选择,请访问 Federal Student 援助.

Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loans

受抚养学生的父母可以向美国联邦政府申请联邦直接父母贷款.S. 教育局(ED)支付孩子的教育费用. The parent borrower must be the biological or adoptive parent (or, 在某些情况下, the stepparent) of the dependent undergraduate student, not have an adverse credit history, 和 meet the basic eligibility requirements for federal student aid. 为了符合资格,学生必须完成FAFSA,满足联邦学生援助 eligibility requirements, 和 enroll at least half-time in a degree-seeking program. The parent PLUS loan is unsubsidized, 所以借款人有责任支付所有时期的利息. In addition to interest, ED charges a 4.228% loan origination fee on Federal Direct PLUS Loans. The fee is proportionately deducted from each loan disbursement.

  •   Current Interest 率s

    2024-2025 Interest 率s

    Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan 9.08%的固定
    Interest rate is for Direct PLUS Loans
    first disbursed on or after July 1, 2024, 和 before July 1, 2025.


    2023-2024 Interest 率s

    Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan 8.05%的固定
    Interest rate is for Direct PLUS Loans
    first disbursed on or after July 1, 2023, 和 before July 1, 2024.

如果得到批准, 家长可以借到学生的出勤费(COA)减去学生收到的其他经济援助(OFA). 家长PLUS贷款的还款在收到最后一笔付款后立即开始. During the application process, 当学生(获得贷款的原因)至少有一半的时间入学,并且从学生至少有一半的时间停止入学之日起开始六个月,家长可以要求延期. 


To borrow a parent PLUS loan, the parent must apply on the Federal Student 援助 网站. 如果得到批准, the parent must also complete a Master Promissory Note (MPN). The credit decision will be sent to the school. Once our office receives the approval, 我们将设置父PLUS贷款,并将贷款状态从估计更改为提供. 学生将收到一份修改后的经济援助通知,发送到他们的LMU电子邮件帐户. 学生必须登录他们的MyLMU帐户,并通过自助服务菜单选择“Webadvisor for Students" 然后 “金融援助." 如果家长被拒绝信用,家长可以获得背书或上诉的决定. 如果父母被拒绝信用,但没有获得背书或上诉的决定, the student may be eligible for an additional unsubsidized loan.

Federal Direct Grad PLUS Loans

Federal Direct Grad PLUS Loans are loans made by the U.S. 教育系(ED)面向研究生和专业学生. 为了符合资格,学生必须完成FAFSA,满足联邦学生援助 eligibility requirements, not have an adverse credit history, 并且至少有一半的时间参加研究生或专业学位课程. The grad PLUS loan is unsubsidized, 所以借款人有责任支付所有时期的利息. In addition to interest, ED charges a 4.228% loan origination fee on Federal Direct PLUS Loans. The fee is proportionately deducted from each loan disbursement.

  •   Current Interest 率s

    2024-2025 Interest 率s

    Federal Direct Grad PLUS Loan 9.08%的固定
    Interest rate is for Direct PLUS Loans
    first disbursed on or after July 1, 2024, 和 before July 1, 2025.


    2023-2024 Interest 率s

    Federal Direct Grad PLUS Loan 8.05%的固定
    Interest rate is for Direct PLUS Loans
    first disbursed on or after July 1, 2023, 和 before July 1, 2024.

如果得到批准, 学生最多可以借到出勤费(COA)减去学生收到的其他经济援助(OFA). 毕业生PLUS贷款在学生毕业六个月后开始偿还, 离开学校, or drops below half-time enrollment. 


To borrow a grad PLUS loan, 学生必须通过MyLMU自助服务菜单选择“Webadvisor for Students" 然后 “金融援助." The student must also complete a Master Promissory Note (MPN)loan entrance counseling. The credit decision will be sent to the school. 如果学生被拒绝学分,学生可以获得背书人或对决定提出上诉. 有关其他贷款信息,包括还款选项,请访问 Federal Student 援助.

Private Student Loans

(Alternative Loans)

私人贷款机构提供不受联邦政府担保的私人学生贷款. 这些资金经常被那些可能没有资格获得联邦财政援助或可能需要弥合其出勤成本和其他财政援助之间的差距的学生使用. Eligibility for private student loans is credit-based. Students without established credit may need a co-signer. Eligibility requirements 和 loan terms vary by lender. 贷款金额不能超过学费减去其他经济援助. Once a student is approved for a private student loan, the lender will send a certification request to the school. Please allow 5-10 business days for certification. 一旦获得认证,私人学生贷款将被添加到学生的经济援助报价中. 请注意,私人学生贷款不会从余额中扣除 账户汇总 screen of MyLMU until the funds are disbursed. If the private loan is included in the financial aid offer, it will be used as a resource to complete registration, even if it is not subtracted from the balance in MyLMU. 私人学生贷款的发放时间与联邦财政援助相同. For a comparison of federal versus private student loans, go to studentaid.政府.

